Thursday, November 19, 2009

Clone wolf packs(or maybe Zombies)

Hello, first up, i would like to thank my friend from (who has an awesome blog dediacated to fashion), for following and M, you know who you are, both of you are awesome friends. Which brings me to my next issue; fear of being a "loner", or monophobis. It seems to happen a lot to people of this generations or perhaps its just teenagers. Teenagers seem to always want to be with someone, whether its just to fend off boredom of just being surrounded by friends to help keep up the image of "cool". Its actually very coomon, just today my friend asked me why do I want to catch an early bus when theres no-one and how everyone will be calling me FeyFey the loner. I replied that I wanted to start the weekend early, yet I could see that she didn't grasp why I wanted to be a loner when there is a whole group of friends that is so much more fun to hang out with. It would seem that she was playing to an invisble audience, a psycological case that is very ordinary at this age. I want to know why, why are people so afraid to stand out and be too different yet still want to be in the special spotlight in a good way. This may seem like a cliche but being yourself would help you be liked. Most people have probaly grasped this, or at least at my high school but girls literally travel in clone (wolf) packs, scowling at everyone in the way. Or maybe its zombies;beautiful and undead. Sometimes it is much more relaxing to be alone, even when there is a choice to be surrounded by friends. Don't get me wrong, sometimes its fun to play with politics within the school but its gets so tiring to discuss if the it couple is breaking up or about to get back together again.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you weren't thinking of me when you were writing :). No but your right. All the same, no one wants to stand out because the danger of being different can leave you standing alone.
