Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy Holidays

I just forgot to add, the 17th of March is St Patricks day (obvious)

The 18th of March is ... Hug an Aisan day. Who came up with that? Seriously, its like someone just came up with it to have a reason to grope someone.

In the Land of Dreams...

Quite recently, ive had 3 consecutive dreams. They are funny things, always imaginative, or at least, for me.

I was at a party and this cloud drifted pass, about one meter off the ground. It was strange; I wasn't up on a mountain. Then the cloud turned into a beautiful bird that excreted all over the yard. The droppings were exactly like youghurt, and one of my friends in the dream actually tasted it before gagging with disgust.

It goes on but I only have time for this much.

Moi, signing off.