Friday, August 20, 2010

Bus Driving, Political Vampires

Yeah, another person afflicted with vamps. At least, in my dream (this is where it came from), the vampire didn't sparkle.

This is how it went.

The bus driver turned out to be a vampire who wants everyone to persuade everyone else to vote for Tony Abbot, not Julia Gillard (I'm voting for Bob Brown) and when a kid vampire kicks off the bus driver to drive, we all want a turn and dislike the guy (the kid vamp) since he was a bit of a snob. To be honest, the Cullens from Twilight seem a bit like snobs too.

Anyway, we all started to take photos to use as black mail to get a go on the bus. I think it's an illegal offence to steal a bus and it's patrons. I think, unless the government is secretly endorsing it. Highly unlikely, but you never know.

Thing was, no one could take a photo. Why? Because the vampire kept ducking out of the way. Ha ha, probably the sole explanation of why no one can take photos of vampire.

So, there it is. I am now afflicted with vampires.

On the plus side, i like zombies too. Much better.

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