Friday, June 18, 2010

Senile Dementia

I think I'm insane.

There, I said it. Of course, there would be signs. So in hope of some professional help, I'm telling the world. Also, i's something interesting to tell people.

Seeing things
Hearing things
Forgetting words (carrot, cucumber, keyboard)
Forgetting events
Forgetting EXTREMELY important events
Scared of dreams
Scared of nightmares to the poit of sleeping with a butter knife under the pillow (If it were any sharper, i'd cut myself)
Under the impression that there's not enough air indoors.
Suspects everyone of something or the other
Constant headaches
Suspects everything

But they're very basic signs that could be explained away by saying subconsciously, i want senile dementia. That's absurd, i don't like the headaches or forgetting stuff and the fear of not enought air. I'm not attention seeking (at least i don't think i am but the worst person to judge myself is myself so...)
